Sunday, March 4, 2018


We're not the only ones out there fishin'!
There were plenty of eagles about. It wasn't like last year though. My brother in law learned from the eagle expert at the Nat'l Eagle Center in Wabasha that last year was such a great eagle year because the river thawed really fast causing the eagles to congregate over a shorter period of time. After shooting eagles I took a few pics of the bridge to Wisconsin.
 I don't usually take pictures of architecture stuff but this was a fun experience. I hope to expand my efforts and may even try to get up to the cities on a photographic excursion. Anyway, more eagles!
This eagle kept flying by so I snapped a few good shots and loads of blurry ones. I used a 250mm zoom lens for these shots but quickly realized that a larger lens would be helpful. These shots are all heavily cropped and edited.
 Perfect form!
 We saw around 20 eagles around Red Wing before headed south again.
 We spotted this big 'ol eagle on the way home right along the road. He took off as we approached but I managed to snap a few parting shots.

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