Friday, May 22, 2015

Trip Report: Early Memorial Day Fishin'

I took this photo a few days ago while fishing and morel hunting. I found both morels and trout! Anyway this is not where I fished today. I arrived at the stream around 3 and fished until 630. At first only a few bugs were coming off but after slayin a few in the riffles on a pink squirrel of prey I switched to trying to match a few of the now emerging flies. First I tied on a big puffy deer hair skittering caddis to get a few that were smashing flies on the surface. 
 I missed more than I landed so after getting refusals I switched to a comparadun pattern and again caught as many as I missed. The fish didn't hit this fly as hard but they fought like they meant business.
This guy measured over a foot. He sipped the fly from the surface after inspecting it a few times. After a few more fish and a bunch of hits and misses I started noticing some little mayflies coming off. I tied on a BWO CDC emerger and began slayin 'em again!
This chunker was one of many to suck down the emerger fly. The fish struck more subtly and I waited a second before setting the hook. I still got refusals but not as many. I tied on the emerger after fishing the caddis and comparadun on each run I fished and caught fish on all three flies. Today it paid to match the hatch.
No huge fish today but this stream always produces a larger than average sized average. I caught around 20 fish in less than 3 1/2 hours. I also met a fella on the stream who ties with a group of fellas from the twin cities called the Laughing Trout Fly Fishers. We bs'd a bit about trout fishing before parting ways.

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